About Juan Reyes

I am Juan Reyes, a business owner and former police officer with more than 10 years of experience in the United States Marine Corps. I am proud to have earned an Associate’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Rock Valley College and a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Management from Judson College. Currently, I am working as an Adjunct Professor at Rock Valley College and Harper College. My life has been devoted to providing protection and justice – both for my country as a Marine and for individuals through my work in law enforcement. I strive to continue this mission in all aspects of my personal and professional life through mentoring, teaching, and being an example of integrity.

Juan Reyes Will

Make Public Safety a priority and support the repeal of the Criminal Justice Reform Bill

HB 3653 that favors criminals over victims.

Fight against any tax increases.

Work to empower parents and families to make their own decisions and have choices in educating their children.

Fight against any tax increases.

Support legislation that makes Illinois more competitive and promotes economic development.

Oppose the radical social agenda in Springfield.